Lent studies are live (see video)

We are over the moon about the Lent Study material for 2024.

This year, we’re diving into the great speech of Jesus to his disciples in John’s gospel, beginning at chapter 14 and ending with his heartfelt prayer in chapter 17. The Gospel of John is dense and can feel difficult to understand at times. Yet, we want to press into these three chapters because they hold rich treasures and contain some of the most famous declarations of who Jesus says he is. They overflow with Jesus’ love for his friends, and for all who seek to follow Him. We have chosen to focus on these because remembering who Jesus is, and who we are in light of that, is essential to our calling as God’s people in the world.

Each week includes a scripture, a video and reflection.

The videos were wonderful to film with an amazing collection of presenters, giving their time to share their story. We are so grateful.

While last week we included text from week one, this week we share the interview we recorded with Esther from St Tom’s in Newtown.

“I've found that, with Jesus, life is a playground and not a tightrope.” - Esther

To see more of the Lent study material you’ll need a booklet. These are still available in hard copy through our online shop. Get them now.


Communities Gather in Naenae


Electoral College this Saturday