Street Art Sparks Community Interest

All Saints Hataitai-Kilbirnie has been looking for new ways to connect with the neighbourhood and communicate the gospel narrative, and they found a unique solution - street art!

The church has been a recognizable icon in the area for years, but they wanted to be known more for the people and their mission, about being a place of hospitality, healing, and community, than just the building. That's why they decided to use a series of artworks called the 'Scott the Painter 12 Stations of the Cross' to communicate a little bit of the gospel message this Lent.

Co-Vicar Guy Benton came up with the idea to use the artworks to and with help from Adam de Jong from the AYM Houses Crew the posters have been plastered onto the church walls. And they are hard to miss! Passersby on the bus, walking down the street, or waiting at the bus stop can stop and take a look. It's a great way to spark interest and show that All Saints is a church that's open to new and innovative ideas.

The response from the community has been great so far. People have been talking about the artwork online and in coffee shops, and it's exciting to see the conversations that are starting. The hope is that this engagement will continue when the Resurrection posters go up and through future acts as simple as this.


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