Young girl’s response to Jesus story: an encouragement

Rev. Jessica Falconer, Co-Minister in Charge in the Parish of Ōtaki, shares this encouragement for our children and family leaders, and us all.


Over Lent in Godly Play, we tell the stories called, “The Faces of Easter.” They tell the story of Jesus’ life, from his birth to the resurrection. During the “wondering” time, we ask our listeners to gather anything from the room that adds more to the story. 

Recently, we told the story of Jesus’ birth:

“In the beginning, the baby was born... the Word was born a wordless child.” 

Then our children add more to the story. A boy bought the Risen Christ to the story. An adult bought the Baptismal font lid. A girl bought a bible. Then, one of our 11-year-olds went and got the small altar, the wine jug and the bread plate from the communion story.

She said, “Even though Jesus is just a baby here, he is already the bread and the blood.”

Now in good Godly Play practice, you’re not really supposed to respond with more than a considered, “thank you for sharing.” You are really not supposed to start crying and have to close your eyes so the kids don’t see. 

It made me realise that sometimes I think the stories we are telling are entertainment. The faith we are trying to share is not sinking in. But it is. More than I think we realise. These stories will carry our children into their teenage and adult years. These stories are a part of them. 

To all you people in Children’s Ministry, keep going, you are doing great. Remember to take your moments of joy. You are all adding more to God's story. And know God has this, more than we will ever know.


Remember your Jesus story with us at our upcoming Chrism services. Click here for more information.

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Let’s pray for the parents and grandparents among us, that God would grant them the strength to lead their families in the ways of God; for the children among us, that God would spark their curiosity and joy as they come around His story; and for our children’s ministry teams, that God would encourage and empower them to be another ambassador of God’s love and power in the lives of our families.


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