Thy Kingdom Comes to Wairarapa

What are you doing in your community for Thy Kingdom Come? Many of us are hosting regular rhythms of prayer and prayer vigils as we pray for our five friends or family members to come to know the amazing love of God. In Wairarapa, Thy Kingdom Come will conclude with an ecumenical service at Wairarapa College where all the churches in the Wairarapa will come together as one.


Hundreds are expected to descend upon the college to hear Pastor Tak Bhana share and to rejoice and reflect in the gift of Pentecost, the gift of the Holy Spirit.  The event is titled In One Place, and details are available on Facebook.

If you find yourself in the Wairarapa on Sunday morning, head along to Wairarapa College at 10am. A creche, kids programme and morning tea will be provided.

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Join in with St Matthew’s in Masterton as they have a mini-vigil on Saturday night from 8-10pm to pray specifically for the service and for revival to come to the Wairarapa.


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