St Luke’s Wadestown Ministers to Local Rest Home

On the second Wednesday of each month you will find members of St Luke’s Wadestown holding a Holy Communion service for the apartment dwellers and care home residents of BUPA Crofton Downs, and sharing morning tea with the apartment residents. 

The Parish of St Luke’s, Wadestown have engaged over the last year with residents of the BUPA Crofton Downs care home.

Parishioners listen to God’s word and pray often for people and situations on request. Their Priest, Rev John Loong, very ably plays his guitar and the attendees robustly join in some well-known hymns – ‘To God be the Glory’, ‘How Great Thou Art’, ‘Now Thank we all our God’, and many others. The hymn singing has been so popular in the care home, the Activities Manager is introducing an hour’s slot just for hymn singing at some other time during the week. 

The numbers attending the services have grown steadily and we have been able to form relationships with some of the attendees at other times as well. The worshippers are from different religious backgrounds. Some identify as Catholic and one lovely resident wanted to explore further what the Christian faith was all about. As an Anglican faith community in Wadestown, St Luke’s members feel privileged to have the opportunity to share the good news and the love of Jesus, with their neighbours at BUPA Crofton Downs. 


Welcome to Richard, our New Events Manager


Ordination Anniversary Something to Celebrate