Spotlight on Sisi

Many of you had the pleasure of meeting Sisi Fountain, the Diocesan Property Manager, at our training days recently so we thought it would be good to share a little bit more about her and what she does. 

Sisi Fountain.jpg

Tell us a bit about your role
I have a background in building design and architecture, and I’m primarily concerned with how we can be good stewards of our properties and resources. When I look at a property or a building, I think of space within the walls. I look at how it is serving the kingdom and how it is outworking Jesus’ mission in community. 

How did you end up working at the Anglican Centre?
I was attracted to the culture of the Anglican Centre and the vision the Bishops have for the diocese. I love how mission drives the work and not the other way around. The role comes with a lot of responsibility and seemed like an impossible task – and I love impossible tasks so couldn’t pass up the opportunity. 

What are you currently working on?
I am currently working with engineers to revisit our earthquake prone buildings to get a handle on how we progress with them. Some have deadlines for strengthening or replacing and some of our buildings present a huge challenge to bring them up to code. 

I also look after the property insurance for the diocese. Our insurance may seem expensive, but we are able to negotiate much better rates as a diocese that any individual parish could. 

When should parishes call you?
Parishes should get in touch when: 

  • their building has been damaged by things like leaks, fire, earthquakes etc. 

  • they are looking at doing any renovations. 

  • they need guidance about council, or construction processes or help with governance processes. 

  • they are thinking of buying or selling a property. 

Is there anything else we should know?
All projects that exceed $20,000 must go through an AGM or SGM and approved by the Diocesan Council and Board of Trustees. Projects under $20,000 don’t require governance approval. 

I work closely with Andrew Black, the Diocesan Safety Officer, when there are any health and safety implications in a building project, for example a renovation will require a site safety plan, or when a health and safety incident requires building work to reduce the risk of it occurring again. 

I’ve also been working on a checklist for property and building guidelines which will be available soon.

Get in touch with Sisi:

Sisi lives in Porirua, is married to Ben and they have two kids, Nina aged 10 and Grace aged 11.


Bishops’ News: August 2021


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