Low Carbon Challenge: Speaking into Public Transport Equity

The Low Carbon Challenge is still up and running, and open for all to take part in. This week, we bring you news from a group campaigning for equity in public transport for Wellington City. They’re advocating for free public transport for Community Services Card Holders and students, as both a justice issue for low income people as well as reducing climate emissions caused by transport.

The short video above is available to download and share. You might like to post it on your social media feeds, play to your family, or highlight in spaces where you disciple or lead others.

Advocacy like this is so important - our collective voice makes an impact!  Micah from St Michael’s Kelburn, who took part in the campaign, spoke of “that driving force of loving your neighbour is a core pillar of the Christian faith…getting involved in this sort of advocacy is a way to show that.”

Next month, the government will announce its Emission Reduction Plan. This is the government’s response to the Climate Commission’s advice, which as a Diocese we helped shape through our feedback. We will have a chance to respond to the ERP, so watch this space!

In the meantime, why not put in your diary now a couple of upcoming events related to our Synod priorities of climate care, in particular the prayer vigils being organised by the Karakia for our Climate team in advance and during the the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, known as COP26.  

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Anglicans Ablaze! Global Conference open to all


Face Masks and Faith