Mo’s story: City Mission bequest

The Wellington City Mission relies on a variety of people and organisations to be able to make a difference in people’s lives, and together they are creating a better place to live. Including a gift to the Mission in your will is one way we can have a lasting legacy in our community. In this story, the Mission shares with us a story from one of their bequestors.

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When my partner and I were planning to go overseas, it was the perfect opportunity to take The Mission up on their Will service. While we do have a niece and nephew in Australia, we don’t have kids so we bequested one-third of our estate to The Mission.

We wanted to leave a bit of an imprint on the community when we’re gone, and we chose The Mission because of the wide-reaching effect it has on so many people. Often, it provides people with basic necessities that are easily taken for granted. Many people are in such tough circumstances that they have lost the ability to even make choices in their life. Initiatives like the Social Supermarket are giving people the chance to feel part of the community, because they get to take part in activities that are just part of ‘normal’ life.

Being a Wellingtonian, I really like supporting a local charity as well. Now more than ever we need to look after the community we live in, because it will only ever lead to all of us being better off. That’s particularly obvious for me as a community health nurse, because I see so many people living with conditions that are caused by an unhealthy living environment and lack of basic nutrition.

For me, it also recognises that even though there are always hardships and stresses in my own life, I am very fortunate to be in my position. I have the ability to work, and have the security of a home and food in the cupboard, while others can’t seem to get ahead. It’s clear that the need is great out there, so even if someone doesn’t know what you’ve done for them, it’s nice to know that you’ve helped make their life better.

I would say to anyone who can leave something that they should just do it. And at the end of the day bequesting actually doesn’t require you to change anything in your own lifestyle, but you will leave something behind that will continue to give and grow.

If you would like to have a confidential discussion about leaving a bequest to The Mission, please contact Gay Keast on (04) 245 0866 or email


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