House Churches Go Online In Silverstream


Our St. Mary’s Silverstream whānau is prioritising community connection during lockdown. Adapting quickly to present circumstances, they have been streaming evening prayers via their Facebook page. Viewers from Silverstream and beyond now tune in for a daily dose of worship and togetherness.

Comments by worshippers as far away as Australia and the US show that St. Mary’s is proving the church is not a place, but a body of believers. “It’s nothing fancy — just the prayer book and a song,” said Rev. James Coleman, speaking on behalf of the parish. However, ‘nothing fancy’ is still doing the trick. Simon, a parishioner at St. Mary’s, said there was “tangible peace” in his bubble after evening prayers.

James commented on how connected he felt during prayers, especially seeing everyone commenting and having the heart reaction icons floating up. “It’s creating a great sense of community. Kath [Bier] and Julia [Coleman] have done heaps of organising.”

Like any other attempt to connect at this time, technology doesn’t always play ball. One evening’s prayers were interrupted by a power cut. The bubble hosting made a valiant effort to carry on, attempting to stream from a phone instead, which was “a bit of an epic fail”.

Technical difficulties aside, the new tradition carries on, drawing in more viewers every time. Sunday services have also had to adapt to lockdown and are now also being streamed via St. Mary’s Facebook page. New house church groups have been set up to meet after the streamed service, giving people a chance to reflect on the message and check in with one-another. To facilitate this, the sermon and some reflection questions are shared with the leaders ahead of time.

In such a period of uncertainty, evening prayers in particular have become an important touchstone in many people’s days. Rev. James Coleman wanted to thank all those who have helped to make this new rhythm happen, including everyone from St. Mary’s and beyond who joins in every night. “I am sure we will come out of this stronger than when we went in,” he finished by saying.

You can also find out about online services and daily offices happening around the diocese here. 

By Esme Oliver


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