Subversive Mission - serving as Outsiders in a World of Need

The history of Christian mission has been fraught and problematic.

Well meaning missionaries have brought with them values and worldviews incomprehensible to the culture in which they enter.

In his new book, Subversive Mission – Serving as Outsiders in a World of Need Craig Greenfield calls on his own experience of serving Jesus in Cambodia and points to ways for doing mission that uplift and support where God’s already at work.

Like his previous book, Subversive Jesus, Subversive Mission provides beautiful stories to illustrate each chapter.

He tells the story of Shalom Valley. A youth camp built for the Alongsiders movement, churches and youth organisations across the country. Local Khmer believers are central to the development and running of the camp. And Greenfield shows how their insight has prevented many potential mistakes along the way.

Subversive Mission is structured through reframing the fivefold giftings in Ephesians 4. Greenfield suggests we consider the giftings from an outsider’s perspective.

Mission can then be reframed to consider the culture into which we enter and where God is already active. Apostle becomes Catalyst, Prophet to Ally, Evangelist to Seeker, Pastor to Midwife and Teacher to Guide.

These are powerful adjustments. Especially, in light of our tendency to shape mission in our likeness.

Subversive Mission is highly recommended for missional enterprise in new and competing environments. It not only corrects our own bias, but provides insight for sustainable growth and cultural fluency beyond our own ability.

Subversive Mission releases on 1st November. Pre-order now online.

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Bicultural Journey


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