Bishop’s News: Royal Commission Update

We encourage all of our Diocesan whanau to continue to pray for the work of the Royal Commission into Abuse in State Care, as outlined in last week’s Bishops’ News. This week, there will be Redress Hearings relating to cases within the Anglican Church. Archbishop Philip Richardson and Archbishop Don Tamihere have released the attached statement on behalf of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand, and we encourage you to read this. We also offer the following prayers:

A Prayer for Survivors of Abuse
God of compassion, we hold before you those giving testimony about abuse they have suffered, along with their families and friends; for all whose innocence has been shattered, whose bodies and spirits have been violated. Protect them at this time. May the sharing of their experience bring the result they need. We pray for healing and wholeness, and for access to resources of support. May truth-telling enable your light to shine on deep wounds to bring freedom and transformation for each one. May they find hope in Christ and through him receive comfort, peace and life in its fullness. Amen.

A Prayer for the Work of the Royal Commission
Loving God we thank you for the members of the Commission and their willingness to serve in this capacity. Protect them and their families at this time. We pray that they may listen with sensitivity and compassion. Grant them strength and wisdom in their processing of all they are witness to. We pray for their work; As stories are told may burdens be lifted, light banish darkness, evil be confronted and truth and justice prevail. May your Holy Spirit move in and through this process to bring life in abundance. Amen.

A Prayer for the Church
Lord have mercy upon us. Forgive us where we have been complicit in the perpetration of abuse within our own Church family. Confront us with the truths we need to hear so that we too can be cleansed and healed. Align our hearts with yours. Fill us with compassion, humility and repentance. Free us from defensiveness and help us to grow in transparency and vulnerability. Help us to be willing to be silent so that the silenced may be heard, and then, when words need to be spoken, anoint ours with your Spirit that they may speak light and life. Amen.

As always, we continue to encourage those who have experiences that they wish to share to do so. You can contact the Commission on 0800 222 727 from 8am - 6pm, weekdays; or via their website, which also contains links to advice and support.

In Christ,
+Justin and +Eleanor


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