Bishops call us to hospitality challenge

At a Synod several years ago, it was suggested that our communities would be transformed if we all hosted a meal per week, giving generously to our neighbours and deepening relationships.

Yet in this time of darkness and isolation from the world around us, it can be tempting to hide under the bed covers.

In his address to Synod, Bishop Justin reminded us of several occasions when in times of darkness, God called His people out to walk in the light, spreading the Good News. In that context, Bishop Eleanor challenged us to look to the simplicity of offering hospitality as a way of bringing God’s Good News.

So the Bishops have called us to do just that - from now until Advent, we will all aim to host a meal (or some form of social gathering) a week, alternating between our close friends and family and those we don’t know so well, so that we might offer God’s transforming love and hospitality to our neighbours. The initiative is called Manaaki Tātou and you can find out about this challenge here. You can also read more in this week’s Bishops’ News, here.


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