Ohakune Lodge Retreat gets a new name

It’s pretty safe to say that there isn’t a parish in the Wellington Diocese that hasn’t been impacted by the mahi of Chris Casey. Chris stepped down last year after 17+ years serving in the Wellington Diocese looking after intermediate, youth and young adults ministries at various points.

The heartbeat of Chris’s ministry was his passion for seeing young people have a life changing encounter with Jesus. In my time working with Chris, I heard him say many times that a person’s confirmation or baptism was second in importance only to their wedding day. Chris was also passionate about our volunteers and them knowing how much he valued their time and commitment through food and adventure.

In addition to all of this, Chris was pivotal in the transformation of the Ohakune Lodge Retreat situated next to St John’s Church, part of the Ruapehu Parish in Ohakune and Raetihi. He worked tirelessly, along with many volunteers, working on the space, at one point even hunkering down in a sleeping bag inside when there was only building paper protecting him from the elements! Chris’s dream is that this space became a place where youth groups and anyone else who visited would encounter Jesus through the various adventures that the Ruapehu district has to offer.

In light of all of the mahi Chris has carried out for the Wellington Diocese over the years, it seems only appropriate that the name of the Ohakune Lodge Retreat be changed to Casey Lodge.

If you are wanting to book time at Casey Lodge for your ministry team, youth group or family, please feel free to contact Luke Paynter at luke@anglicanmovement.nz for a discounted rate that will also mean no AirBnb fees. To view the listing click here.

By Rev. Luke Paynter


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