Kingdom-building conversation: Anglican Studies short course starts next week

Figuring out how to follow the Jesus way of life in the fast-paced 21st century can be a challenge, so our Anglican Studies team have developed a series of new short courses, or "conversations," that can equip us for the journey.


The first course, which begins in the week of the 8th of March, is a ten-week, Zoom-based course called Holiness in Social Action, and will be co-led by Bishop Justin and Rev. Dr Mark Harris, the Vicar of Waikanae. Looking at the theology of renewal movements such as feeding famine victims, caring for prisoners, calling for the abolition of the slave trade, or even closer to home - the work of Suzanne Aubert, Holiness in Social Action will help us grow in spiritual maturity.

"These conversations are perfect for busy people who can give a couple of hours a week to building the kingdom," says Rev. Dr Joe McGarry, our diocesan Anglican Studies Co-ordinator. "The Anglican Studies programme provides a discipleship space where we can gather as a church, and engage around questions so we can be formed more completely as Jesus-followers."

The short courses are available for credit towards a Diploma in Christian Studies through St John's Theological College, but what makes it so flexible is that students can join the course for interest's sake, without having to worry about the academic requirements, if they prefer. Bishop Justin tells us "students can do the course for credit, or for audit - which means they don't have to do the assignments, they can just engage in the conversation." This "conversation" means a weekly, hour-long Zoom lecture, and a weekly, Zoom-based small group discussion. This course, as with the others, are free of charge to members of our diocesan whānau.

Other courses to come in the short course series this year are Radical Discipleship, starting in June, and The Church for Others, starting in October. A semester-long course is also available, which involves weekly tutorials plus two block weekends in July and September. This course looks at how to read the New Testament.

To find out more or enrol, head to


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