Get one. Give one. around the diocese

The Get One Give One campaign has been going for two months and has so far raised over $38,000. Parishes across the diocese have been getting inventive in finding ways to raise funds. 

At a recent Vestry meeting of the Parish of Pohangina, it was suggested that Vestry match dollar for dollar all donations from parishioners to the Get one. Give one. campaign. The motion was passed unanimously and enthusiastically. 

The Rangitikei Anglicans held Get one. Give one. morning tea with loads of delicious food and a $5 (or more if you wish) cover charge. 

Ōtaki Parish have putting envelopes in each of their churches that folk can put $10 into and put in the offering or hand into the office. 

The Waikanae Parish is working with a local pharmacy to set up vaccination centres at each of the churches to help vaccinate the community as quickly as possible. Every person who gets vaccinated at one of the churches will be given the opportunity to donate. 

Café Church 
Our Café Church whānau made a superhero cape and the congregation was invited to pledge to Get one. Give one. by writing their names and pledge amounts on ribbons and fastening them to the cape. 

What are you doing in your parish? We’d love to hear! 

The goal of the campaign is to reach $80,000 by the end of this month so let's keep getting the message out there. 

For more information and resources, see our Get one. Give one. page


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