Ethical Wine with an Impact

At the 2023 Synod in Masterton, one of the "missional bites" offered a wine tasting with 27seconds wine. Rachel Tovey of 27seconds shares about the story behind the wine and how it seeks to help survivors of modern-day slavery.

For those who haven't heard of 27seconds - we are a Canterbury based wine company with a positive social impact. We make delicious, high quality wine in Waipara and give 100% of our profits to work with survivors of modern-day slavery through Hagar. They are doing wonderful, trauma-informed, community-based work in Cambodia, Vietnam and Afghanistan.

There is more slavery in the world now than ever before in history. It's a symptom of deeper issues we face such as climate change and economic inequality - but put simply, it's an exploitation of vulnerability. The name 27seconds is based on a Unicef statistic from a number of years ago that 1.2 million children are sold into slavery every year. When you boil that down to the minute, that's one every 27seconds. 

If you’re keen to know more, one easy way to learn about us is this recently released podcast. Our podcast, On The Table, discusses both the fundamentals and the nitty-gritty of the issue of Modern day slavery.

If you want to buy some wine, you can order through our website, or email me at

We also have some fabulous Christmas Gift options available, providing you a delicious and meaningful gift options for your friends, family, colleagues, clients. Click here to take a look at our gift packs.

Finally, thanks so much to those of you who rocked up to the wine tasting. Here’s the selfie we took together!! 


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