Bible Explore

When Strandz inherited the Connectible website from the Diocese of Dunedin in 2016 they were inspired to taken it even further. The Connectible (Connect+Bible) site provided resources that could be incorporated into a worship service that would make it more family friendly and holistic. The Strandz team created three years of lectionary-based material to Connectible but that wasn’t enough.

Covid-19 saw a greater reliance on the resources the website provided so a refresh was needed. The website has had a complete makeover and rebrand and the new Bible Explore makes it easy to search for specific Bible content – from books of the Bible, to Bible characters and stories.

The website still provides content that follows the lectionary and introduces the ‘Bible Explore’ section. It is sorted into books of the Bible and has space to develop other themed content. While the lectionary content will change over the months, the Bible Explore content will keep expanding.

Bible Explore is a continual work in progress and has taken a collaborative effort to upload content and ideas to date. The website will continually evolve as long as the Holy Spirit keeps revealing the Creator through the Bible; new ideas will always be created. If you create material for children's groups, worship services, small groups etc. please share them with Strandz so it can be added to this collaborative project. Email Strandz for more information.


Farewell Archbishop Fereimi Cama


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